Webinars & Tutorial Videos
2Shakes Webinars – View all our tutorial videos and past webinars here!
Sign up to our next 2Shakes webinar
Getting Started in 2Shakes
Webinar 1: Demonstration of 2Shakes' client onboarding software
Profile Setup
Client Signup
Client Authorities
AML Customer Due Diligence
Electronic Signing
Webinar 2: Information on signing up a Trust
Profile Setup
Client Signup
Client Authorities
AML Customer Due Diligence
Electronic Signing
Webinar 3: Covering different entity types
Sole Trader
Signing on behalf of someone else (Power of Attorney, Deceased estate, Child)
Complex company structure
Adding additional Beneficial Owners
Webinar Series
Ongoing Customer Due Diligence (OCDD)
2Shakes Webinar on how to do Ongoing CDD in 2Shakes, hosted on 1st February 2022. Find out:
What is OCDD and why do it?
What triggers Ongoing CDD?
ID Verification guidance changes, and Biometrics
Changes to Beneficial Owners
Steps for Ongoing CDD in 2Shakes for AML Only
Steps for Ongoing CDD in 2Shakes for Renewals and AML
Read our OCDD online support page to more information.
Do you have Trust issues?
Webinar on how to do AML on Trusts in 2Shakes. Find out:
What is a Trust and why have one?
Trust types and what Enhanced CDD, SoW and PoF means
Roles within a Trust and Trust types
What to do when you have to IDV someone you haven’t met?
Steps for AML CDD on a Trust
Read our Trust support page or our Trust Blog series to find more information.
How to do Biometric IDV
Our webinar on how to use Biometric IDV in 2Shakes. Find out:
Why Biometric IDV is useful
When to choose Biometric IDV
Step-by-step completion of a Biometric IDV
How to review and accept the results
You can watch a quick video of Biometric IDV in action here.
Political Exposed Person (PEP) Checks
Our webinar on how to get compliant with PEP checks. Find out:
Why PEP checks are necssary
When PEP should be done
Step-by-step completion of a PEP check
What the report tells you
What to do if the check isn’t OK
Read the PEP online support page to find more information.
Annual Report Webinar
Part 1: Period, Contact, Structure – How to use the 2Shakes AML Statistics Report From and To dates
Part 2: DBG, Risk Assessment, AML Programme – How to use the AML documentation screen
Part 3: Products & Services, Supplementary Activities & Questions, Customers. Includes how to use the AML statistics report to find the numbers of New Customers, NZ & Non NZ resident Customers, Trusts & PEPs, Methods of CDD
Part 4: Sector Specific Questions
Part 5: Ministerial Exemptions
Part 6: Declaration and Signing
Read the Audit, Reporting & Statistics online support page to find more information.
AML Quick Videos
AML 1: Entering people for ID verification
AML 2: AML/CFT Records
AML 3: How to do electronic ID Verification.
Accountants and Tax Agents NZ (ATAINZ): 2Shakes presenting to ATAINZ in Palmerston North to explain how AML/CFT will impact them with a focus on what they need to do to complete AML Customer Due Diligence.
DIA & 2Shakes co-present on Anti-Money Laundering (AML) legislation at the 2018 Bookkeepers Conference 2018.
Ata from 2Shakes is on from 20m30s.
The Pitch
Our first pitch to get 2Shakes off the ground. Carried out at the Embassy, Wellington, 2 June 2016, in front of 250 people from across government and business, including ministers and agency CEOs.